1z0-819: Java SE 11 Developer
Your Oracle 1z0-819 exam is just around the corner, right? So, it's high time to find an effective preparation tool! Our training course is what you really need! This is a series of videos led by the experienced IT instructors who will provide you with a detailed overview of the 1z0-819 certification test. Ace your Oracle 1z0-819 at the first attempt and obtain the Java SE 11 Developer credential with ease.
Curriculum for 1z0-819 Video Course
Java Basics
Video Name | Time | |
1. Why Java and why this course? What is JDK, JRE and JVM? | 7:40 | |
2. JDK Installation | 8:01 | |
3. First application: Hello World App | 11:36 | |
4. Homework Solution: .bat file creation | 1:57 | |
5. Integrated Development Environment, Eclipse Overview | 11:50 | |
6. Comments in Java source code | 6:29 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Primitive types and variables | 14:59 | |
2. Number Systems | 6:10 | |
3. Arrays | 13:07 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Packages: creation and package presentation in eclipse | 1:42 | |
2. Plugins: how to install free plugins, eclipse marketplace, workspace styles | 2:07 | |
3. Code Refactoring in Eclipse | 6:42 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Operators in Java | 19:32 | |
2. Operations with integers and floating-point numbers, BigDecimal type | 4:31 | |
3. Math class, NaN, Infinity | 5:06 | |
4. Type of the expression in Java | 4:07 | |
5. Compare primitive and reference types & Java Memory Model | 9:18 | |
6. Read user input from console | 1:53 | |
7. Homework review: Operators and Operations | 8:44 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. String: object creation and main methods overview | 5:29 | |
2. String comparison: How to compare Strings and what is String Pool | 3:48 | |
3. Escape Sequences in Java | 2:48 | |
4. String Formatting | 2:45 | |
5. Regular expressions in Java | 3:49 | |
6. Homework review: String | 1:56 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. 'if - else' construction | 3:02 | |
2. Homework review: 'if' statement | 1:52 | |
3. 'switch' construction | 3:45 | |
4. Homework review: 'switch' statement | 0:35 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Random numbers generation | 1:53 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. 'while' loop | 1:51 | |
2. 'do-while' loop | 1:32 | |
3. 'for' with condition loop | 2:40 | |
4. 'for each' loop | 1:39 | |
5. Nested loops | 0:48 | |
6. Jump Statements - Break and Continue | 2:06 | |
7. Labels in Java | 2:17 | |
8. Homework review: Iteration Statements (Loops) | 0:52 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Methods in Java: Overview | 4:39 | |
2. Parameter Passing Mechanism in Java | 5:03 | |
3. Recursive methods | 2:47 | |
4. Variable Length Arguments | 2:27 | |
5. Homework review: Methods | 0:51 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Enumerations in Java | 6:30 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. How to debug Java programs | 6:53 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Object-oriented programming: Basics | 14:10 | |
2. Classes & Objects | 13:47 | |
3. Different types of Classes, Abstract keyword and Abstract classes | 10:04 | |
4. Interfaces | 11:52 | |
5. Inheritance | 10:29 | |
6. Polymorphism and 'final' keyword | 9:07 | |
7. 'static' keyword | 6:54 | |
8. Encapsulation | 6:20 | |
9. Object, JNI and Object class overview | 9:26 | |
10. SOLID principles overview & Single Responsibility Principle | 7:05 | |
11. Open / Closed Principle | 7:16 | |
12. Liskov Substitution Principle | 4:54 | |
13. Interface Segregation Principle | 4:31 | |
14. Dependency Inversion Principle | 5:36 | |
15. KISS Principle in OOP | 25:51 | |
16. YAGNI Principle in OOP | 24:26 | |
17. DRY Principle in OOP | Part 1 | 18:13 | |
18. DRY Principle in OOP | Part 2 - Practice | 11:23 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Exam and homework for OOP topic | 8:20 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Exception Handling in Java | 26:06 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Java Collections Framework: Overview | 8:57 | |
2. Collection Interface | 9:52 | |
3. Interfaces List, Set and Queue: Overview | 7:53 | |
4. List implementations - ArrayList, Vector, CopyOnWriteArrayList & Stack | 18:44 | |
5. LinkedList VS ArrayList, Big O Notation & Homework | 19:56 | |
6. Comparator and Comparable | 15:53 | |
7. Iterable, Iterator & ListIterator | 18:17 | |
8. Queue and Deque | 17:37 | |
9. Map Hierarchy | 15:19 | |
10. Hash Tables & HashMap | 21:46 | |
11. LinkedHashMap | 7:21 | |
12. SortedMap, NavigableMap & TreeMap | 13:26 | |
13. Set Implementations (HashSet practice) & java.util.Colelctions class | 15:35 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Generics in Java | 23:29 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Functional Programming in Java: Overview | 13:11 | |
2. Functional Interface, Lambda Functions & Method References | 14:20 | |
3. Function & BiFunction: Theory & Practice | 16:57 | |
4. Consumer, BiConsumer, Predicate & BiPredicate | 16:03 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Stream API with Practical Exercises | 23:14 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Input and Output Streams in Java | 31:54 | |
2. Serialization and Cloning | 18:30 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Multithreading Overview | 13:14 | |
2. First Multithreading Program: Thread & Runnable | 25:13 | |
3. Thread Scheduler, Race Condition, Daemon Threads & Thread Groups | 19:06 | |
4. Synchronization Basics | 27:54 | |
5. Memory Management in Multithreading Programs | 21:00 | |
6. Deadlock & Livelock | 11:49 | |
7. Executor Services, Callable & Future | 17:14 | |
8. Executor Service Implementations & ThreadFactory | 25:18 | |
9. Fork/Join Framework | 17:00 | |
10. CompletableFuture | 24:39 | |
11. Lock API - Lock, ReadWriteLock, ReentrantLock, ReentrantReadWriteLock, StampedLo | 34:47 | |
12. Synchronizers - CyclicBarrier, CountDownLatch, Semaphore, Exchanger & Phaser | 29:54 | |
13. Homework: Multithreading | 4:44 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Time Standards (GMT, UTC), Date and Calendar from java.util | 24:19 | |
2. java.time Package (Instant, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime etc) | 32:20 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Java Reflection API | 23:27 | |
2. Annotations | 17:38 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. StringBuilder & StringBuffer | 13:58 | |
2. java.util.Optional - Optional in Java | 25:43 | |
3. Reactive Programming in Java: Flow API, Reactive Streams | 20:41 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Modules in Java: Modular Application Example | 34:55 | |
2. Migration of Java Apps: Example of migration to a modular application | 28:34 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. [Part 1] Localization and Internationalization | 13:52 | |
2. [Part 2] Localization and Internationalization | 18:11 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Java 8 Features (Lambda, Stream API, Optional, Effectively Final, etc.) | 31:13 | |
2. Java 9: Stream API Updates, Multi-Resolution Image, Stack-Walking API, etc. | 18:58 | |
3. Java 9: Process API & CompletableFuture API updates, Interface Private Methods | 16:01 | |
4. Java 9: jlink & jshell | 14:18 | |
5. Java 9: Multi-Release JAR Files & Compact Strings | 14:20 | |
6. Java 9: Deprecated & Removed Features | 16:56 | |
7. Java 10: ‘var’ variables (Type inference), Docker support, Flex Heap Size, etc. | 14:22 | |
8. Java 10: Other improvements, Removals, Deprecations, Release Versioning | 17:28 | |
9. Java 11: LTS Concept, New HTTP Client, String & Files API Updates | 21:59 | |
10. Java 11: Collection & Predicate API Updates, Nest-Based Access Control & more | 21:09 | |
11. Java 12: CompactNumberFormat, Teeing Collector, String.indent(), transform() | 22:27 | |
12. Java 13: Socket API, newFileSystem() method, ZGC Uncommit Unused Memory & others | 18:51 | |
13. Java 14: Switch expressions, Currency Format, Helpful NullPointerExceptions | 19:49 | |
14. Java 15: Text Blocks, Hidden Classes, new String methods | 23:54 | |
15. Java 16: JEP 395 - Records | 20:20 | |
16. Java 16: instanceof, Day Period Support, Stream.toList() & others | 21:20 | |
17. Java 17: Sealed Classes & other improvements | 24:16 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Databases: Overview - Part 1 | 24:04 | |
2. Databases: Overview - Part 2 | 22:43 | |
3. MySQL: Overview & Installation (including Workbench Installation) | 19:06 | |
4. PostgreSQL: Overview & Installation (including pgAdmin installation) | 16:04 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Relational Databases: Basic Concepts | 27:03 | |
2. Create Schema & Table: Naming, Collation, Engines, Types, Column Properties | 35:25 | |
3. Referential Integrity: Foreign Key Constraint & Cascading Operations | 21:05 | |
4. Indexes in Databases | 20:07 | |
5. Database Normalization & Denormalization | 31:48 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. SQL: General Overview & DDL | 18:54 | |
2. SQL: DML - CRUD Operations (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) | 28:14 | |
3. JOIN Queries, UNION & Subqueries | 14:01 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Views, Triggers, Stored Procedures & Functions | 29:58 | |
2. MySQL Workbench: Administration | 9:52 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Database Modelling & Design: Conceptual, Logical and Physical Data Models | 24:52 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. SQL Homework: Task and Solution Review | 6:31 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. JDBC Overview: Establish connection with DB from Java App | 19:57 | |
2. Statement, PreparedStatement & CallableStatement | 22:35 | |
3. Transactions, Batch Updates and MetaData | 20:19 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. DAO (Data Access Object) Design Pattern | 18:57 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Exam task review and solution | 18:16 |
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