Video Name |
Time |
1. Let's Get Started With C# in Unity |
12:28 |
2. How a C# Script is Structured in Unity |
09:22 |
3. Understanding Event Functions in Unity C# |
08:32 |
4. Working With Variables in C# |
09:16 |
5. Public and Private Variables in C# |
05:53 |
6. Complete Guide To Update Function in Unity |
08:40 |
7. Basics of Functions in C# & Unity |
08:34 |
8. Returning Values and Passing Parameters to Functions |
16:09 |
9. Checking Conditions with If Else in C# |
17:30 |
10. Various Conditions and Equality Checking |
04:35 |
11. Boolean Variables in C# |
11:24 |
12. Introduction to Arrays in C# & Unity |
16:19 |
13. Diving Deep into Arrays in Unity |
16:22 |
14. For Loops in C# Complete Explanation |
11:58 |
15. Working with While Loops in C# |
11:16 |
16. How To Work With foreach Loops in C# |
09:31 |
17. Check Conditions Using Switch Case in C# |
09:21 |
Video Name |
Time |
1. Setting Up The Game |
15:40 |
2. Setting Up The Player |
08:19 |
3. Creating Player Movement |
18:27 |
4. Restricting Player Movement |
06:59 |
5. Setting Up The Enemy Spikes |
11:31 |
6. Spawning The Enemies |
06:19 |
7. Spawning Enemies from Random Position |
09:14 |
8. Repeatedly Spawning Enemies |
08:10 |
9. Detecting Collisions With The Enemies |
09:43 |
10. Adding Cool Trail Effects |
08:17 |
11. Adding Dust Particle Effects |
18:20 |
12. Checking For GameOver |
10:50 |
13. Keeping Score |
06:05 |
14. Displaying Score on Screen |
11:57 |
15. Creating The GameOver Panel |
11:42 |
16. Creating A Restart Button |
12:26 |
17. Designing The Main Menu |
11:04 |
18. Creating Cool Looking Main Menu Animations |
10:55 |
19. Creating Game Over Panel Animations |
06:07 |
Video Name |
Time |
1. Lets Import The Assets and Start Building Santa Run Game |
06:02 |
2. Setting Up The Game Background |
12:00 |
3. Creating Background Scrolling and The Illusion of Movement |
12:43 |
4. Creating and Moving The Grounds |
09:28 |
5. Setting Up The Player Character |
13:11 |
6. Lets Make The Player Jump |
09:53 |
7. Fixing Player Jump with Ground Check |
08:19 |
8. Adding The Jump Animation |
14:20 |
9. Setting Up The Obstacles in The Game |
11:48 |
10. Adding Movements To The Obstacles |
09:54 |
11. Spawning The Obstacles |
16:19 |
12. Random Obstacle Spawning |
08:39 |
13. Spawning Obstacles with Random Delay |
04:55 |
14. Destroying Obstacles On Collision |
06:10 |
15. Creating Player Death Animation |
05:51 |
16. Stop Spawning The Obstacles |
08:45 |
17. Stop Background Scrolling |
09:04 |
18. Creating Game Over Panel |
11:08 |
19. Adding Functionalities To GameOver Menu Buttons |
08:59 |
20. Designing The Main Menu |
07:13 |
21. Adding Functionalities To The Main Menu |
05:23 |
22. Creating Menu Screen Animations |
09:47 |
23. Creating Snow Falling Effect |
13:24 |
24. Counting and Displaying The Score |
12:14 |
Video Name |
Time |
1. Lets Setup The Sprites For Using In The Game |
15:50 |
2. Creating The Candies |
08:38 |
3. Coding Player Controller and Controlling The Player |
10:31 |
4. Adding Some Restrictions To Player Movement |
06:04 |
5. Checking If Player Eats Candy |
08:09 |
6. Removing Candies When Out Of Screen |
04:31 |
7. Spawning Random Candy |
11:15 |
8. Spawning Candy at Random Position |
05:26 |
9. Spawning Candies Repeatedly |
09:08 |
10. Checking For Score |
05:25 |
11. Displaying Score On Screen |
11:14 |
12. Creating A Lives Counter To Keep Track of Lives |
04:26 |
13. Showing Available Lives UI |
10:44 |
14. Stopping Candy Spawning On GameOver |
05:24 |
15. Creating Game Over Panel |
13:00 |
16. Creating A Main Menu |
13:53 |
17. Writing Code for The Game Over Menu |
04:48 |
18. Animating The Game Over Panel |
07:53 |
Video Name |
Time |
1. Gettting Started and Setting Up |
12:34 |
2. Writing First Code and Controlling the Player |
13:50 |
3. Moving After First Touch |
06:45 |
4. Fall Checking With Raycasting |
13:07 |
5. Smooth Camera Follow |
16:37 |
6. Platforms falling |
20:28 |
7. Platforms Spawning |
13:10 |
8. Random Spawning |
09:14 |
9. Some Small Fixes |
04:09 |
10. Creating Collectibles |
13:00 |
11. Destroying On Collision |
05:26 |
12. Adding Particle Effects |
10:40 |
13. Creating Text Animations |
17:42 |
14. More Animations |
17:16 |
15. Creating GameOver Menu |
11:04 |
16. Coding The UIManager |
13:06 |
17. Keeping Score and Highscore |
11:46 |
18. Creating The GameManager |
06:51 |
19. Finishing The Game |
18:05 |
20. Publishing The Game |
06:44 |