AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure
Your Microsoft AZ-204 exam is just around the corner, right? So, it's high time to find an effective preparation tool! Our training course is what you really need! This is a series of videos led by the experienced IT instructors who will provide you with a detailed overview of the AZ-204 certification test. Ace your Microsoft AZ-204 at the first attempt and obtain the Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure credential with ease.
Curriculum for AZ-204 Video Course
Video Name | Time | |
1. AZ-203 vs AZ-204 Objectives comparison | 7:00 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. Tools that will be used in this course | 3:00 | |
2. Azure Free Account | 6:00 | |
3. Tour of the Azure Portal | 3:00 | |
4. Resources and Resource Groups | 4:00 | |
5. Quick note on creating resources | 1:00 | |
6. Monitoring your costs in Azure | 1:00 | |
7. The Azure command line interface | 1:00 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. AZ-203/204 - The Virtual Machine Service | 2:00 | |
2. AZ-203/204 - Deploying a virtual machine | 2:00 | |
3. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Building Windows Virtual Machines | 8:00 | |
4. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Publishing an application from Visual Studio to a VM | 6:00 | |
5. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Building a Linux virtual machine | 6:00 | |
6. Understanding Network Security Groups | 7:00 | |
7. Lab - Using a jump server | 7:00 | |
8. Azure Bastion host | 2:00 | |
9. Lab - Using an Azure Bastion host | 4:00 | |
10. Azure Resource Manager Templates | 6:00 | |
11. AZ-203 - Introduction to the Azure Batch Service | 5:00 | |
12. AZ-203 - Batch Service Architecture | 4:00 | |
13. AZ-203 - Azure Batch Service - Important Points | 5:00 | |
14. AZ-203 - What are we going to do in our labs for Azure Batch | 3:00 | |
15. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Batch Service - Azure Portal | 15:00 | |
16. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Batch - .Net SDK - v9.0 | 13:00 | |
17. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Batch - .Net SDK - v12.0 | 5:00 | |
18. AZ-203/204 - Primer on Docker Containers | 8:00 | |
19. AZ-203/204 - Continuation on What is Docker | 3:00 | |
20. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Look at Docker | 6:00 | |
21. AZ-203/204 - Understanding on how we deployed the docker container | 2:00 | |
22. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Deploying a .Net core application onto a Linux VM | 10:00 | |
23. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Containerizing a .Net app | 5:00 | |
24. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Container Registry | 6:00 | |
25. AZ-204 - Lab - Azure Container Instances | 3:00 | |
26. AZ-203 - What is Kubernetes and Azure Kubernetes | 5:00 | |
27. AZ-203 - Lab - Creating a Kubernetes cluster | 5:00 | |
28. AZ-203 - Understanding of application deployment to a Kubernetes cluster | 3:00 | |
29. AZ-203 - Deploying an application onto a Kubernetes cluster - Steps | 1:00 | |
30. AZ-203 - What is a service principal | 2:00 | |
31. AZ-203 - Lab - Working with the service principal of the Kubernetes cluster | 2:00 | |
32. AZ-203 - Application deployment files | 3:00 | |
33. AZ-203 - Lab - Deploying the application onto the Kubernetes cluster | 2:00 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. AZ-203/204 - Azure Web App Service | 4:00 | |
2. AZ-203/204 - Azure App Service Plan | 9:00 | |
3. AZ-203/204 - Lab -Azure Web Apps | 8:00 | |
4. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Web App - Linux App Service Plan | 5:00 | |
5. AZ-203/204 - Exploring the Azure Web App | 7:00 | |
6. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Web App - Docker container | 2:00 | |
7. AZ-203/204 - Lab -Azure Web Apps - App Service Logs | 8:00 | |
8. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Web App - Publishing from GitHub | 8:00 | |
9. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Web App - Azure CLI | 3:00 | |
10. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Web App - Custom domains | 5:00 | |
11. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Web App - SSL | 3:00 | |
12. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Web App - CORS | 6:00 | |
13. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure App Service Plan - Linux | 8:00 | |
14. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Web Apps - Web Jobs | 4:00 | |
15. AZ-203/204 - What are Azure Functions | 3:00 | |
16. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Creating a Function App | 7:00 | |
17. AZ-203/204 - Understanding the Azure Function - Part 1 | 7:00 | |
18. AZ-203/204 - Understanding the Azure Function - Part 2 | 3:00 | |
19. AZ-203/204 - The use of Azure Functions | 3:00 | |
20. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Functions - Using normal classes | 2:00 | |
21. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Functions - Timer trigger | 1:00 | |
22. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Functions - Visual Studio Code | 5:00 | |
23. AZ-203/204 - Azure Durable Functions | 7:00 | |
24. AZ-203/204 - Quick Note | 1:00 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. AZ-203/204 - What are storage accounts | 3:00 | |
2. AZ-203/204 - Azure storage accounts - service types | 3:00 | |
3. AZ-203/204 - More on storage accounts | 9:00 | |
4. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Creating a storage account | 2:00 | |
5. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Working with the BLOB service | 4:00 | |
6. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Using Azure Storage Explorer | 2:00 | |
7. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Using Access Keys | 3:00 | |
8. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Storage Accounts - Azure CLI | 6:00 | |
9. AZ-203/204 - Lab - AzCopy tool | 6:00 | |
10. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Blob storage - .Net | 7:00 | |
11. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Blob properties and metadata | 5:00 | |
12. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Shared Access Signatures | 6:00 | |
13. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Shared Access Signature -Net | 3:00 | |
14. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Storage Accounts - Access tiers | 4:00 | |
15. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Storage Accounts - Blob snapshots | 2:00 | |
16. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Blob - Properties and Metadata | 2:00 | |
17. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Blob lease | 5:00 | |
18. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Copying Blobs | 8:00 | |
19. AZ-203 - Data Movement Library | 3:00 | |
20. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Table Storage | 7:00 | |
21. AZ-203/204 - Azure Table Storage - Partition and Row Key | 8:00 | |
22. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Table Storage - .Net | 5:00 | |
23. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Table Storage - .Net - Part 2 | 3:00 | |
24. AZ-203 - Exam Extra - Dynamic Table Entity | 2:00 | |
25. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Queue Storage | 3:00 | |
26. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Functions - Queue binding | 7:00 | |
27. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure Functions - Queue and Table binding | 8:00 | |
28. AZ-203/204 - Introduction to Azure SQL Database | 8:00 | |
29. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure SQL Database | 7:00 | |
30. AZ-203/204 - Azure Web App - Azure SQL Database - Part 2 | 5:00 | |
31. Using Azure Web App - Connecting strings | 3:00 | |
32. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure SQL Database - Reading data | 2:00 | |
33. AZ-203 - Exam Extra - Entity Framework | 7:00 | |
34. AZ-203 - Azure SQL Database Serverless + Hyperscale | 7:00 | |
35. AZ-203/204 - Azure CosmosDB | 10:00 | |
36. AZ-203/204 - Lab - Azure CosmosDB | 12:00 | |
37. AZ-203/204 - CosmosDB - Partition Key | 10:00 | |
38. AZ-203/204 - CosmosDB - Consistency Levels - Part 1 | 7:00 | |
39. AZ-203/204 - CosmosDB - Consistency Levels - Part 2 | 3:00 | |
40. AZ-203/204 - CosmosDB - Partition Key and Consistency Levels Recap | 3:00 | |
41. AZ-203/204 - CosmosDB - Making API calls | 9:00 | |
42. AZ-203 - Azure Database Migration Service | 7:00 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. AZ-203/ 204 - What is the Azure Key Vault Service | 2:00 | |
2. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Key Vault | 2:00 | |
3. AZ-203/ 204 - What is a service principal | 2:00 | |
4. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Key vault - Secrets | 7:00 | |
5. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Key vault - Encryption keys | 4:00 | |
6. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Permisisons vs RBAC | 6:00 | |
7. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure VM Disk Encryption | 3:00 | |
8. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Key Vault - Invoking via API calls | 11:00 | |
9. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Storage Account Encryption - Key Vault | 7:00 | |
10. AZ-203/ 204 - Managed Service Identity | 3:00 | |
11. AZ-203/ 204 - Working with the Key Vault - .Net - Managed Service Identity | 3:00 | |
12. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Managed Service Identity - Azure Web App | 3:00 | |
13. AZ-203 - Lab - SQL Server Encryption | 10:00 | |
14. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure SQL Server - Dynamic Data Masking | 6:00 | |
15. AZ-203/ 204 - Role Based Access Control | 5:00 | |
16. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Role Based Access Control | 10:00 | |
17. AZ-203 - Lab - Multi-Factor Authentication | 3:00 | |
18. AZ-203 - Lab - Conditional Access Policies | 6:00 | |
19. AZ-203 - Azure Kubernetes - Integrating with Azure AD | 4:00 | |
20. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Kubernetes - Integration with Azure AD | 9:00 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. AZ-203/ 204 - Auto-scaling Azure Web Apps | 8:00 | |
2. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Auto scaling a web app | 6:00 | |
3. AZ-203/ 204 - What is Azure Cache for Redis | 9:00 | |
4. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Cache for Redis | 7:00 | |
5. AZ-203/ 204 - Azure Content Delivery Network -Introduction | 6:00 | |
6. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Content Delivery Network | 4:00 | |
7. AZ-203/ 204 - Azure Content Delivery Network Cache | 4:00 | |
8. AZ-203/ 204 - What is Application Insights | 4:00 | |
9. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Getting started with Application Insights | 4:00 | |
10. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Application Insights - Other aspects | 7:00 | |
11. AZ-203/ 204 - Application Insights | 2:00 | |
12. AZ-203/ 204 - Transient faults | 5:00 |
Video Name | Time | |
1. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Logic Apps | 7:00 | |
2. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Logic Apps use case | 4:00 | |
3. AZ-203 - What is the Azure Search Service | 3:00 | |
4. AZ-203 - More on Azure Search Service | 4:00 | |
5. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Search Service | 10:00 | |
6. AZ-203 - Lab - Index field attributes | 4:00 | |
7. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Search Indexer | 6:00 | |
8. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Search - SDK | 6:00 | |
9. AZ-203 - Lab - Azure Search - Cognitive Search | 6:00 | |
10. AZ-203/ 204 - API Management Instance - Introduction | 5:00 | |
11. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - API Management | 11:00 | |
12. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - API Management Policies | 5:00 | |
13. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Event Grid | 9:00 | |
14. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Event Grid - Azure Functions | 2:00 | |
15. AZ-203/ 204 - Exam Extra - Azure Event Grid - Important Points | 5:00 | |
16. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Event Hub | 7:00 | |
17. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Notification Hub | 7:00 | |
18. AZ-203/ 204 - Introduction to Azure Service Bus | 4:00 | |
19. AZ-203/ 204 - More on Azure Service Bus | 3:00 | |
20. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Service Bus Queue | 8:00 | |
21. AZ-203/ 204 - Lab - Azure Service Bus Topic | 4:00 | |
22. AZ-203/ 204 - Azure Service Bus - Message Properties | 5:00 | |
23. AZ-203/ 204 - Azure Service Bus - Subscription Filters | 5:00 |
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